Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Change is good....

Especially in our diets. This is our Whole Food Journey were our family is going from processed and fast to REAL Foods with good nutrition! I don't know a lot of the statistics behind fast or processed foods - but I do know that refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, food high in starch and other additives are not good for me or my family.
What I am learning is there are good fats in all kinds of food that I have discounted as making me "fat". Whole milk is good for you! Raw Milk is even better! Let me caveat that with if your Raw Milk comes from a trusted source, cows without hormones or antibiotics and that are grass feed, then it is should be considered safe. At the present I am purchasing non-homogenized, low pasteurized milk from JD Country Dairy out of Russelville, KY. This can purchased at Whole Foods and a Amish Country Pantry. It's a little spendy - but delicious!
This process is NOT an overnight process - it's baby steps to better health and good eating. I have thrown out everything that has HFCS, dyes, or words I cannot pronounce in it. It is a slow process - but really we don't need Ketchup with HFCS when we can have Organic Ketchup. Aidan uses ketchup as a meal sometimes when I am not looking as it is! Chocolate syrup for chocolate milk - it either has HFCS or Red 40..... So, Matthew found a recipe and we make our own! That way I can have my Mocha's instead of spending $4 at the coffee shop for something that has HFCS or refined sugar in it and we can use it for chocolate milk too! Recipe: Cocoa Powder, evaporated cane juice (unrefined cane sugar), water and vanilla and a pinch of salt! It's too easy and it has 5 known ingredients in it!
The title of my blog is "Our Whole Food Journey", but the web URL is "What is in your cart". Do you ever catch yourself looking in other carts when you are our shopping?? Do see some carts piled high with junk, processed foods, refined sugars, and no fresh stuff? How do you feel when you see these carts? I am attaching a picture of my grocery shop two weeks before I started doing more research and writing this blog. I am going to try to start taking pictures of what I shop for. This is more for me to see how my shopping is evolving and the changes we are making. If you will note in the picture - I do have Nesquick Chocolate milk syrup - this has since been thrown out - as it had Red 40 in it. There are a few other junky type things in there, but I am hoping to make those changes soon. Again - going Real/Whole foods needs to be process for some and not an overnight event. Until next time....

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